Bluenose Canadian Schooner

Dory Tackles

January 3, 2018

Day 642.

The two dory tackles were used to lift the dories off the deck and into the water.  These lines are run from the shrouds down to the rail.  There are two identical dory tackles – one on the port side and one on the starboard side.



The dory tackle starts with a block seized to the shroud.  It is positioned about halfway down the aft-most shroud on the fore mast.


The dory tackle starts with a block seized to the shroud.

A really long line is seized to another block, then run up through the block on the shroud.


A line seized to another block runs up through the shroud block and back down.

The line then comes down to the rail, where it passes through a hook and runs back up to the block.  The free end is then belayed to the sheer pole.


The line runs down to the rail, through a hook, back up through the block, then gets belayed to the sheer pole.


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